Preserving and Sharing Guilford's Treasures
P.O. Box 363, Guilford, Connecticut 06437 ~ (203) 453-2263 ~ Registered 501c3 Non-Profit
Our Mission: To collect, preserve and share the history of Guilford, Connecticut for present and future generations.

Guidelines for Historic House Plaques
To promote its goals, including historical preservation, authentication and education, the Guilford Keeping Society (GKS) will accept an application for a Historic House Plaque from the owner of any building located in Guilford, to be issued by the GKS on the following conditions:
The building must have been constructed, at least, 100 years prior to the date of application, and a substantial portion of that building must have remained intact.
The GKS shall determine the original date of construction of the existing building based upon its research and knowledge of town records, applicable historical documentation, and physical evidence.
The GKS shall determine the accuracy or appropriateness of the name of the building or original owner to be indicated on the plaque.
If significant modifications have been made to what would have been the original structure or exterior appearance of the building and which are visible from the street, or if the building has been moved from its original location, the GKS reserves the right to include additional notations or information to explain more fully the building’s architectural history as the GKS deems appropriate.
The full content of the Historic House Plaque, and any determinations made in connection with such contents, shall be at the sole discretion of the GKS Board of Directors, or its appointees.
Payment for plaque in the amount of $250.00 is to be received by the GKS to cover cost of fabricating the plaque and for producing related documentation. Payment for a replacement plaque is $150.00. The plaque fee will be refunded minus a service fee of $25, if it is determined that the house is not eligible for a plaque.
If research is required to properly assess the original date of construction and owner’s name, the GKS may charge an additional fee for that research. The amount will be disclosed to the applicant prior to any additional charges being incurred by the applicant
Plaques are black-lettered on a white salt-box house silhouette of standard sign-board. Two screws are provided for attaching to outside of house. Generally, plaques are to be placed on the front side, left or right, or near the front door of the building, ensuring that it is visible from the road.
For further information, call Winnie Seibert 203-430-8059; or the GKS office 203-453-2263;
email winnieseibert@gmail.com or info@guilfordkeepingsociety.org.